Real estate in Hungary
Real estate in Europe. Sale. Rent. Investments
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Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.

ID Search
Price €
Total: 1269
House with big plot of field
Hévíz / ID 2687
4 km to Hévíz
200 000 €
Hévíz / ID 2695
78 305 €
Cozy house near the lake
Hévíz / ID 2702
15 km from Heviz
74 576 €
Excellent house near Hévíz
Excellent house near Hévíz
Hévíz / ID 2708
3 km from Heviz
94 915 €
nice   house near Hévíz
nice house near Hévíz
Hévíz / ID 2711
8 кm frome Heviz
75 000 €
Wonderful house in the spa resort Heviz
Wonderful house in the spa resort Heviz
Hévíz / ID 2709
10 min frome lake
66 779 €
A new house in your style
A new house in your style
Hévíz / ID 2599
12 min. to the Lake Hévíz
427 118 €
Commercial property
Commercial property
Hévíz / ID 2706
1 km from lake
90 000 €
Cute house in a wonderful place Heviz
Cute house in a wonderful place Heviz
Hévíz / ID 2707
30 min from lake
52 542 €
2 apartments in Kehidakushtane near the hot springs.
2 apartments in Kehidakushtane near the hot springs.
Hévíz / ID 3195
300 m from the thermal springs Kehidakushtany
37 000 €
 Apartments without commissions directly from the developer!
Apartments without commissions directly from the developer!
Hévíz / ID 3203
Luxury apartments in one of the most famous thermal spas of Heviz
116 500 € | 131 830 €
Luxury apartments in one of the most famous thermal spas of Heviz
Luxury apartments in one of the most famous thermal spas of Heviz
Hévíz / ID 3204
Luxury apartments in one of the most famous thermal spas of Heviz
132 900 € | 150 550 €
New, beautifully furnished apartment can become
New, beautifully furnished apartment can become "your love at first sight."
Hévíz / ID 3205
Apatmens in Heviz
129 900 € | 142 070 €
New apartment in Heviz
New apartment in Heviz
Hévíz / ID 3206
New apartment in Heviz
141 530 €
New apartments Hévíz
New apartments Hévíz
Hévíz / ID 3207
apartments Hévíz
154 000 € | 163 180 €
 Stunning new apartments for sale!
Stunning new apartments for sale!
Hévíz / ID 3208
Stunning new apartments for sale!
147 600 € | 162 660 €
Apartments in the house on the border with Austria.
Apartments in the house on the border with Austria.
Hévíz / ID 3243
Wonderful apartment on the border with Austria.
89 830 €
Nice house with a large plot
Nice house with a large plot
Hévíz / ID 3249
Nice house with a large plot
98 305 €
Unparalleled apartments only five kilometers. from Hévíz in a wonderful village Nemesbyuk
Hévíz / ID 3252
Unparalleled apartments only five kilometers. from Hévíz in a wonderful village Nemesbyuk
335 000 €
Hévíz / ID 3443
305 000 €
Hévíz / ID 3449
94 465 €
Total: 1269
Showing form 1240 to 1260