Real estate in Hungary
Real estate in Europe. Sale. Rent. Investments
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Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.

ID Search
Price €
Total: 1269
Residential Park
Residential Park "Vitalis" for young families in the suburbs of Budapest
Budapest / ID 492
29 km from Budapest
Residential Park "Vitalis" for young families in the suburbs of Budapest
77 250 €
A plot of field near to Balaton
A plot of field near to Balaton
Hévíz / ID 1351
46 000 €
Residential park
Residential park "Orgona" in the suburb of Budapest
Budapest / ID 519
New apartments in Paty, 12 km from Budapest
77 500 €
Wonderful house in the village of ' protected Magdolna Vol′d′ '.
Wonderful house in the village of ' protected Magdolna Vol′d′ '.
Budapest / ID 895
Hungary, Piliscsaba
The House is situated in the town of Piliščaba (25 km from Budapest).
230 000 €
Cosy house near Budapest.
Cosy house near Budapest.
Budapest / ID 946
Hungary, Solymar
House in the green part at a distance of 1 km from Budapest.
367 000 €
Cosy house near Budapest.
Cosy house near Budapest.
Budapest / ID 985
House in quiet village of Telki.
555 000 €
House near Budapest, in a picturesque part.
House near Budapest, in a picturesque part.
Budapest / ID 1034
House near the Lake in Biatorbágy.
380 000 € | 441 000 €
House on the shore of the Danube.
House on the shore of the Danube.
Budapest / ID 1062
A cozy house on the banks of the river Danube.
148 000 €
The manor with guest-apartments near to the palace Teleki
Budapest / ID 1306
The small house in Heviz
The small house in Heviz
Hévíz / ID 1369
On the quiet street
76 655 €
The small good hotel in Heviz
The small good hotel in Heviz
Hévíz / ID 1382
Near to the Weinberg in Heviz
1 708 474 €
Budapest / ID 1308
317 000 €
The family house + kemping near to Heviz
The family house + kemping near to Heviz
Hévíz / ID 1395
3 km to Heviz
160 000 € | 175 000 €
Budapest / ID 1316
193 000 €
The house for 2 families near to Heviz
The house for 2 families near to Heviz
Hévíz / ID 1404
1 km to Heviz
114 000 €
Budapest / ID 1317
171 720 €
Budapest / ID 1374
357 150 €
Budapest / ID 1416
580 000 €
2-floors apartment with panorama
2-floors apartment with panorama
Hévíz / ID 1418
90 000 € | 113 000 €
Budapest / ID 1553
360 000 € | 535 000 €
Total: 1269
Showing form 1072 to 1092