Real estate in Hungary
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Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.

ID Search
Price €
Total: 1269
2 houses on a big  picturesque site
2 houses on a big picturesque site
Hévíz / ID 2037
2 km to Heviz
249 000 €
A  house with big plot of field
A house with big plot of field
Hévíz / ID 2049
5 km to Hévíz
78 305 €
Semidetached house in Hévíz
Semidetached house in Hévíz
Hévíz / ID 2064
15 min. to the Lake of Hévíz
79 796 €
A  house with big plot of field betwen Hévíz and Keszthely
A house with big plot of field betwen Hévíz and Keszthely
Hévíz / ID 2066
3 km from Hévíz
128 135 €
A great house betwen Hévíz and Keszthely
A great house betwen Hévíz and Keszthely
Hévíz / ID 2070
2 km to Hévíz,4 km to Balaton
189 000 €
Hévíz / ID 3796
125 000 €
А house with swimming pool 4km. from Balaton
А house with swimming pool 4km. from Balaton
Hévíz / ID 2081
3 km. from Heviz
98 000 € | 110 000 €
Studio --apartman
Studio --apartman
Hévíz / ID 2083
31 000 €
Welness and apartments
Welness and apartments
Hévíz / ID 2084
8 km to Hévíz
1 000 000 €
Plot of fields in Hévíz
Hévíz / ID 2086
15 min to the lake
57 288 €
A plot of field with small house
A plot of field with small house
Hévíz / ID 2090
10 min. to the Lake Hévíz
96 101 €
A big house near to Egregy
A big house near to Egregy
Hévíz / ID 2098
2 km. to the Lake of Hévíz
266 949 €
A panoramic house near to Hévíz
A panoramic house near to Hévíz
Hévíz / ID 2110
2 km to Hevíz, 5 km to Balaton
320 000 €
A house with thatched roof
A house with thatched roof
Hévíz / ID 2114
2 km to Hévíz
149 000 €
A semi-detached house in Hévíz
A semi-detached house in Hévíz
Hévíz / ID 2125
15 min. to the center, 20 min. to the Lake Hévíz
132 000 €
Nice house in Zalaegerszeg
Nice house in Zalaegerszeg
Hévíz / ID 2601
40 km to Hévíz
213 559 €
Not so big house not far from Hévíz
Not so big house not far from Hévíz
Hévíz / ID 2149
10 km to Hévíz
45 000 €
Apartments in quiet place of Hévíz
Apartments in quiet place of Hévíz
Hévíz / ID 2155
20 min. to the Lake Hévíz
322 033 €
Timber house near to Hévíz
Timber house near to Hévíz
Hévíz / ID 2251
3 km to Hévíz
79 000 €
A nice house in 2 km to Hévíz
A nice house in 2 km to Hévíz
Hévíz / ID 2252
177 966 €
Four bedroom house not far from Hévíz
Four bedroom house not far from Hévíz
Hévíz / ID 2281
2 km from Hévíz 8 km from Keszthely
70 000 €
Total: 1269
Showing form 1156 to 1176