Real estate in Hungary
Real estate in Europe. Sale. Rent. Investments
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Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.

ID Search
Price €
Total: 1269
The apartment with a garden in 3rd district of Budapest
The apartment with a garden in 3rd district of Budapest
Budapest / ID 390
Budapest, 3rd district
Four- room duplex in Budapest
226 500 €
A perfect house in Keszthely
A perfect house in Keszthely
Balaton / ID 2260
7 km to Hévíz
585 000 €
The apartment near to a reserved area of Budapest
The apartment near to a reserved area of Budapest
Budapest / ID 392
Budapest, 3rd district
Three-bedroom apartment in a prestigious district of Budapest
245 000 €
The apartment in the centre of Budapest
The apartment in the centre of Budapest
Budapest / ID 393
Budapest, 9th district
Three-bedroom apartment in 9th districts of Budapest
113 000 €
An apartment in the centre of Budapest
An apartment in the centre of Budapest
Budapest / ID 395
Budapest, 7th district
Three-room apartment in the 7th district of Budapest
100 000 €
A flat near to Balaton
A flat near to Balaton
Balaton / ID 2324
15 km to Hévíz
49 474 €
The apartment in 5th district of Budapest
The apartment in 5th district of Budapest
Budapest / ID 396
Budapest, 5th district
Spacious four-room apartment in center of Budapest
245 500 €
A house in 5 min. to Balaton
A house in 5 min. to Balaton
Balaton / ID 2325
800 m to the Lake Balaton, 7 km to Hévíz
96 101 €
An apartment in 8th  district of Budapest
An apartment in 8th district of Budapest
Budapest / ID 397
Budapest, 8th district
Four-room apartment in Budapest
119 000 €
The elegant apartment in the centre of Budapest
The elegant apartment in the centre of Budapest
Budapest / ID 398
Budapest, 5th district
Bedroom apartment with a fireplace in the center of Budapest
635 000 €
5 bedroom house close to the lake Balaton
5 bedroom house close to the lake Balaton
Balaton / ID 2331
7 km from Hévíz
122 033 €
Modern house with all amenities
Modern house with all amenities
Balaton / ID 2339
12 km from Heviz, 6 km from Keszthely
338 135 €
The nice  house  with a swimming pool in 3rd district of Budapest
The nice house with a swimming pool in 3rd district of Budapest
Budapest / ID 402
Budapest, 3rd district
The three-storyed house with a garden in 3rd district of Budapest
351 000 €
Residential complex with shops
Residential complex with shops
Balaton / ID 2340
12 km from Heviz, 6 km from Keszthely, 500 m from Lake Balaton
338 983 €
The three-room apartment in 14th district of Budapest
The three-room apartment in 14th district of Budapest
Budapest / ID 416
Budapest, 14th district
Apartment in silent street of Budapest
60 500 €
The two-room apartment in 14th district of Budapest
The two-room apartment in 14th district of Budapest
Budapest / ID 417
The two-room apartment in green place of Budapest
60 000 €
The three-room apartment in Budapest, nearby to metro station
The three-room apartment in Budapest, nearby to metro station
Budapest / ID 418
Budapest, 14th district
Three-room apartment near to the centre of Budapest
68 000 €
Modern house in Keszthely
Modern house in Keszthely
Balaton / ID 2357
7 km from Hévíz
284 745 €
Guest house with pool in Heviz
Guest house with pool in Heviz
Hévíz / ID 4222
550 000 €
The two-level apartment in 14th district of Budapest
The two-level apartment in 14th district of Budapest
Budapest / ID 419
Budapest, 14th district
The two-level apartment in 14th district of Budapest
71 500 €
Total: 1269
Showing form 673 to 693