Real estate in Hungary
Real estate in Europe. Sale. Rent. Investments
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Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.

ID Search
Price €
Total: 1269
/ ID 4044
96 000 €
/ ID 4052
515 254 €
/ ID 4097
78 000 €
A house with a big plot of field
A house with a big plot of field
Balaton / ID 1530
7 km from Hévíz
39 000 €
/ ID 4240
467 796 €
Exclusive thermal water mansion!
Exclusive thermal water mansion!
/ ID 4511
338 983 €
The house on the northern coast of Balaton
The house on the northern coast of Balaton
Balaton / ID 1408
84 800 €
The attractive house in 250 m to Balaton
The attractive house in 250 m to Balaton
Balaton / ID 1156
Balatonlelle, 30 km to Heviz
170 700 €
Nice house in Keszhely
Nice house in Keszhely
Balaton / ID 1116
135 000 € | 145 000 €
Law cost house at the beach of Balaton
Law cost house at the beach of Balaton
Balaton / ID 1045
near the lake Balaton Vonyarcvashegy
9 km. from Heviz
81 000 € | 91 000 €
Pansion near to Balaton
Pansion near to Balaton
Balaton / ID 2515
5 km to Balatonfüzfő, 85 km to Hévíz
271 186 €
The weekend house with a garden for aktive rest in Döbrönte
The weekend house with a garden for aktive rest in Döbrönte
Balaton / ID 873
Döbrönte 60 km from the lake Balaton
Relax in thermal sources of a city Pápa
25 000 € | 29 000 €
The cosy house with a garden in Veszprem
The cosy house with a garden in Veszprem
Balaton / ID 716
Veszprem, near the lake Balaton
The cosy house with a garden in Veszprem, in 20 km from lake Balaton
179 000 € | 186 000 €
A house on the Southern coast of Balaton
A house on the Southern coast of Balaton
Balaton / ID 789
100 m to Balaton/ 12 km to Heviz
109 000 € | 119 000 €
The wonderful house in Balatonfűzf
The wonderful house in Balatonfűzf
Balaton / ID 884
Balatonfűzfő Tobruk
127 000 €
Cosy house near Balaton.
Cosy house near Balaton.
Balaton / ID 1038
House in 30 minutes walk to the Lake Balaton.
141 000 €
house for family at 400 m to the thermal bath
house for family at 400 m to the thermal bath
Balaton / ID 2188
Marcali - 28 km to Heviz
55 500 €
The House near thermal bath
The House near thermal bath
Balaton / ID 2092
Marcali, 400 m to thermal bath, 28 km to Heviz
55 500 €
Total: 1269
Showing form 379 to 399